He received PhD in Philosophy at Chinese University of Hong Kong. He joined Philosophy Department, CUHK, in 2007. For many years, he has been teaching courses both in philosophy and general education. His area of interest includes, phenomenology, Gadamer, and comparative philosophy.
- 现象学
- 诠释学
- 德国哲学
- 古希腊伦理学
- 比较哲学
- “Understanding, Historically Effected Consciousness, and Phenomenology in Gadamer”. In Chung-chi Yu and Kwok-ying Lau, eds., Phenomenology and Human Experience, pp. 111–135. Nordhausen, Germany: Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH, 2012.
- “时间性、死亡与历史:后海德格的反思” (Temporality, Death and History: Reflection after Heidegger). In Chung-chi Yu, ed., Phenomenology 2010: Phenomenology in Dialogue with East Asian Tradition, Volume 1, pp. 345–366. Bucharest: Zeta Books, 2010.