My interest in philosophy was kindled during high school when I encountered an introductory work on the Zhuangzi, leading me to study philosophy at CUHK. As I approached the end of my undergraduate studies, I felt a growing affinity for ethics, which prompted my decision to pursue an MPhil at CUHK. In 2011-12, I received the Balzan Fellowship, funding my study at NYU. There, influenced by the faculty, I found my academic interest evolving toward metaethics. Upon returning from the US, I began teaching courses in Ethics, Critical Thinking, and Chinese Culture and Philosophy. My research interest in Chinese Philosophy was later ignited by Hu Shi’s works, leading me to undertake a PhD at HKU where I explored Dai Zhen’s approach to metaethics and its influence on Zhang Xuecheng and Jiao Xun.
In 2023, I joined the CUHK Philosophy Department, with my research primarily focusing on late imperial Confucianism. My current work delves into the philosophies of scholars from the Qianlong-Jiaqing period. Regarding teaching, my aim is to make Chinese Philosophy more accessible to students worldwide, thereby enriching their understanding of not just Chinese, but the broader East-Asian culture.
- Qing Dynasty Confucian Philosophy
- Dai Zhen and Zhang Xuecheng
- Metaethics, Ethics
- History of Chinese Philosophy
Forthcoming. “Dai Zhen,” with Chris Fraser. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Forthcoming. “Dai Zhen’s Metaethics.” In Dao Companion to Dai Zhen’s Philosophy, edited by Zemian Zheng. Springer.
2024. “Dai Zhen, Zhang Xuecheng, and Chinese Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century.” In Chinese Philosophy and its Thinkers: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, edited by D. Rogacz and S. Ambrogio. Bloomsbury.