From lived time to lived space. Minkowski’s (1885-1973) early contribution to Phenomenology

Prof. Jean-Claude Gens, Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Burgundy, France; Co-director, Center of Phenomenological Hermeneutics, University of Paris IV, France |
下午 4:30 - 6:30 |
香港中文大学冯景禧楼220室 |
Abstract: Lived Time, which is the most famous book of Minkowski, is one of Merleau-Ponty’s references in his Phenomenology of Perception. Minkowski is mainly inspired by Husserl and Bergson. If Bergson opposed lived time or duration to spatiality, Minkowski opens a new horizon, mainly because he rejects the reduction of spatiality to extension or extensivness and shows that Bergson’s opposition relies on a false conception of space. The originality of his point of view is also related to his experience as a psychiatrist.
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