On the Philosophical Incoherence of a Duty to Promote the Highest Good (Departmental Seminar)

Prof. Samuel Kahn |
4:30pm-6:30pm HK Time |
Room 220, Fung King Hey Building with synchronous online broadcasting on Zoom |
Joining the Seminar face-to-face:
Limited seats for face-to-face seminar. Registrations will be handled on a first come, first served basis.
Register by 4 May 2024: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13687847
Joining the Seminar online:
No registration is required.
Link: https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/93503830755
Meeting ID: 935 0383 0755
Tel: 3943 7135
Email: philosophy@cuhk.edu.hk
Kantian moral religion is supposed to flow from two premises: (1) the highest good, a world in which all are virtuous and happy, is a necessary object of the will, and (2) God and immortality are jointly necessary for the possibility of the highest good. In this article, I argue that premise (1) is subject to an objection that scuppers Kantian moral religion at its base. More specifically, I show that the traditional grounds for the necessary possibility of the highest good are incoherent, and that alternate grounds that have been suggested either do not serve Kant’s purposes, or are philosophically and/or exegetically bankrupt.
Delivered in English.
All are welcome.