Workshop on “Praxis in Chinese Philosophy”

9:30–17:40 (Fri) |
Room 101, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK / ZOOM |
Programme: here
List of participants:
Mainland China
Prof. Wang Shunran (Shenzhen University)
Prof. Wang Shuo (Beihang University)
Title: 管道與鏡像——晚明儒者「修身夢」研究 Abstract
Prof. Wu Zhen (Fudan University)
Prof. Chen Lisheng (Sun Yat-sen University)
Title: 《論語》中「心」—「氣」—「形」修身結構 Abstract
Prof. Chen Chang (Tongji University)
Title: 王陽明靜坐工夫新論 Abstract
Prof. Zhang Xing (Southeast University)
Title: 良知信仰、本體工夫與存在境界—羅近溪信悟良知的工夫實踐 Abstract
Prof. Peng Guoxiang (Zhejiang University)
Title: 爱情中的唐君毅 Abstract
Prof. Liao Xiaowei (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Title: 直養而無害:孟子論養心之道 Abstract
Prof. Lai Quping (Sun Yat-sen University)
Title: 誠—獨—形—化:先秦思想中的誠論譜系 Abstract
Prof. Lu Cheng-i (Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy)
Title: 「氣質之性何在?」(續)── 韓國寒洲學派對朱子「本然之性∕氣質之性」的理解 Abstract
Prof. Lin Yueh-hui (Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy)
Title: 「宗旨」與「工夫論」:從王陽明「致良知」到劉蕺山「慎獨」 Abstract
Prof. Liang Fen-cheng (Tunghai University)
Title: 能力取徑視野下的儒家社會實踐──以梁漱溟的鄉村實踐為例 Abstract
Hong Kong
Prof. YAO Zhihua (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Chang So-an (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Huang Yong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Cheng Kat Hung Dennis (The Education University of Hong Kong)
Title: 《易》哲學五大法則芻議 Abstract
Prof. Cheng Chung-yi (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Zheng Zemian (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Dr. Tang Hong-wang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Title: 詮釋學參照下的工夫論建構 Abstract